It’s tempting to intellectualize Font, the Austin-based quintet whose driving music of sampled stabs and dance beats could be labeled with all manner of hyphenated pseudo-genres (“art-rock,” “dance-punk,” “noise-pop”). However, their music quickly makes clear the inadequacy of those kinds of labels. As drummer, Jack Owens locks into a co-constructed groove, Roman Parnell’s bass bridges the kinetic back line to multi-instrumentalist and environment-shaper Anthony Laurence. From this density emerge frontman Thom Waddill’s associative lyrics and electric-shock dance. “Font” is the archaic word for “fountain”; it implies both an abundance and the receptacle that holds it. To watch the band is to experience a tension of excess and containment as each member pulls the music into something that transcends its starting terms. Discordant, sinister minimalism transforms into an anthemic chorus of pulsing synths; wall-of-sound guitars give way to a clubby 808 beat against which the drummers push and tug.